The lucky person got a gold rock worth crores of rupees, then what happened next?


The lucky person got a gold rock worth crores of rupees, then what happened next?

According to a foreign media report, a person found a rock worth 160,000 dollars (more than 4.5 million Pakistani rupees) in a gold mine in the state of Victoria, Australia. Darren Kamp, a person near Melbourne, bought this rock.

According to the media report, the weight of this rock is more than two and a half kilos, the buyer, Darren Kump, a store owner, said that many people bring such a rock, but it only comes out from the inside. He also thought that this rock would be worth 6 to 7 thousand dollars, but when it was examined, it was found that the 4.6 kg rock contained 2.6 kg of gold.

According to an estimate, Australia has the largest gold reserves in the world

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